Find me...
A downloadable game for Windows
"Annette wake up in the middle of the night.
Someone is calling her.
Who is he?
Where is he?"
Explore the mansion like Annette and discover what secrets are your family hiding from you... but be careful with your actions, the dark hides dangerous things...
English, spanish and italian (thanks ThePinkQueen) languages available!!
About the game: This is the first game I made and my first time using RPGmaker. Consider this like a "beta version". I´m working in a new version of this game with more characters, new map, story/plot more extended, more illustrations... and much more!!
(If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments, i´m reading and taking notes ;) )
Status update 03/11/2024
Hello everyone! Sorry for not keeping you updated all these years. First: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND YOUR AWESOME COMMENTS! I'm really happy that my little game brought you so much fun and joy, and you all are so intrigued and want an extended plot!
And second: I'm sorry but for the moment isn't going to be a sequel. I have sketches, notes and more things but, unfortunally, I'm busy with work and I'm not able to work on it for now. I really want to make a good quality sequel with new art, my own pixel assets, with challenging puzzles and make the atmosphere more terrifying, but it's not going to be possible for the moment >_<
TO TRANSLATORS: There is a new archive (name: "Juego" and probably is the spanish version, I don't know where I have the english one T_T) in downloads with the project so you can downlod, edit and translate it without needing to contact me :) (and you have my permission to do it and upload it where you want ^^)
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The game is pretty good but, quite short, I hope there's a sequel?...
Maybe it would be good if the game had pazzles or deadly traps that were as challenging as other 2D horror games
can I upload your game on YouTube
I enjoyed this amazing game!! Could I translate it into Japanese? If I can, could you give me your contact information?
I want to thank you for making such a nice game! I don't know why, but as soon as I saw this game, I immediately knew that I would like it. Although I thought the game would be at least a little longer.
I would like to suggest making some of the "game endings" have some kind of premature alternate ending. For example, when Annette went to bed or left the house, you could add another picture or at least write a couple of lines why the game ended (when Annette left the house, I still did not understand what happened to her).
Otherwise, I really liked everything. Thinking about what to do to go further and explore the house was very interesting. It was nice to spend the evening with Annette looking for her brother.
Thank you Eru-nee and good luck with everything. This is very good for a first game (I'm really looking forward to the new version of the game!!!)
I super loved this game, I hope to play the new version of it when it's released. I drew fanart and I uploaded my playthrough to YT https://twitter.com/AbyssRainsworth/status/1529340366209564672
Small and charming:)
i cant seem to find out how to use the office key-
OH nvm i was being dumb
i cant figure it out either tbh ;-;
you have to go the library area next to the basement and wait for dad to leave then you can enter it
wheres the basement i cant find it either sorry am stupid ;-;
next to the stair way when you walk down
Is the new version of this still being worked on?
I enjoyed the short but nice story.
Specially the good ending. ;)
Hi! I enjoyed the game so much! I'm really looking forward to try the new version! And don't worry about the flaws it might have, it's a first game experience and it's normal to pass on some things. The story is very interesting and I'm sure you can make it even better!
Also, I uploaded a video on YouTube about the game because I wanted to share it! Again, looking forward to try the new version and be able to upload it as well!
Great game! I wanna ask something. what if I want to translate your game into Thai,what should I do?
To translate the game there are 2 options:
1- You need RPG Maker MV and the original archives to edit the game (that I should send it to you by email), and then translate it yourself.
2- You send me the Thai translations and I then I translate the game.
I'll go by the first option!
Very cute game, too short though. Only flaw is that I wanted more! I'm hoping you will decide to expand on this game in the future or make a sequel.
I know others have pointed out already the translation errors. I understand English isn't your first language and if you need any help on the English translation of the game I'll be more than happy to help out.
I played for awhile, and just can't figure out how to get the good ending. HOW??? Do we just not search for the brother? I'm confuseddddd
For the good end you have to go to talk with the brother WITHOUT the pendant
I can't download it, please help me ಥ_ಥ. Everytime I try to download it, it disappear like a ninja ಠ_ಠ
I tried the downloads files and they work fine. It disappears from your computer or how??
Well,it's like...weird because i can see it on the download history page, and it shows that the file is here, but it's not in my files. And when i try to open it from the download history page, there is a message who tells "suppress"...I don't really know what to do.(┬┬﹏┬┬)Your my only hope, Eru-nee!!!!>_<
wow, thats weird
Maybe your antivirus program is blocking the dowload
IM CRYING SO HARD THISGAME IS SO AA AWDSFTAHASWQGHUDaeyuuytdxhc <3<3<3<3<3<33<<33<xw<zw<cs3s
Well I enjoyed the story even though it was short. I've seen a few of your games thanks to a youtuber named Manlybadasshero, who had played a couple of your games. The art included in the game is great and the atmosphere was befitting kinda made me look (and die) in a lot of places. But there was just one spot that seemed to bother me. When you first enter the father's study room and read his diary, there were quite a few typos in said diary but I was still able to clearly make out the context. Thanks for making a enjoyable game :)
Thanks for playing it!!! Sorry about the typos I´m improving my english to prevent that problems :)
Nice game but when i checked around the game files (looking for character sprites and stuff) i found a large amount of content that isn't in the game as it is now. Stuff like battle animations and even walking animantion for Alain. Is this stuff supposed to be for the full game?
Nope, that are old archives and images from previous tests of the game and other stuff that I forgot to delete... :P
What can I do with the pendant? I've looked everywhere but I couldn't see anything to use it on.
Edit: apparently I missed one key in the father's room. I got True End first try, it was short but I enjoyed playing Find me and I like the title screen music alot. You and this game definitely have potential and I'm looking forward to the next version.
and what do you know, its now the 5th mansion I've stepped in.
You only can get the true end if you have the pendant, there isn't any other use for it.
The true end is so sweet >.<
I'm excited about the new version of the game! I'm looking forward to it! :)
It's good. I love gothic style, mansions and vampires. Got really interested in the characters after 15 minutes. I wanna play the full game of them two. This would be a great intro.
Consider it like a "beta version" ;)
Like a "test version". Well it passed the test. Now make a full game :)
Working on it ;)
I played only the spa ver since it seems like it's the original version. As some others have mentioned, it's good but i feel like the story could have been exploited a lot more. Im really curious about the source of the sounds in the piano and closet, for example, as well as the premise having a lot to give. then again, going too out the rail with the premise isn't good either, so I wouldn't make something huge scale either, maybe with a bit more of lore. Maybe you could also empathise a bit on the sibling's characterization: Annette's love for her brother is very well characterized and I commend u for that, but it'd be nice to have some emphasis on her distaste of her father, at least before the ending of the true route.
The game itself is fun, but i think it would benefit from clearer cues to the whereabouts of some items. I did got the studio and Alain's room keys easy enough, but the drawer and basement where a bit trickier, and I had to look up the later. Small visual or verbal clues could help a lot improving that, and would actually give a bit of puzzle solving feeling to it.
I LOVE the art of the game; Annette's and Alain's icons are gorgerous, as well as the loading screen and ending's illustrations. Also, i have to commend you on the use of the tilesets! you managed to give a nice feel to the ambients and placements, I never found myself thinking "Oh this is an asset flip/premade map with sprinckles on it". It shows that you put a lot of care on designing the maps and the result is really pleasing to the eyes.
The last thing is more on my end, but the child-like characterization of Annette kinda got me out of it when I unlocked the Good end. I get she's a teenager, of course, but maybe next time it'd be good to remark it some way. Not nessesarily removing the toys and gifts from her room (because being fair, i love the toys and gifts tilesets, they're hella pretty for some reason), but maybe you could have her saying that she's called inmature for her age, or show her reacting in a mature way to something in wich the difference would be apparent. Once again, this is my personal opinion, tbh you can skip over this paragraph.
Overall, it's a fun game, and I look forward to see more from you!
Thank you for playing!!
I'm taking note of all the suggestions from the comments :)
In the new version of the game I will add more clues (and try with some puzzles!).
I'm really happy you noticed the care I put designing the maps (is what takes me the longest :P), I'm working on the map from scratch, is going to be completely different!
In the new version I will add too more about Annette's family and... (note taken, about Annette child-like characterization, good point, I will keep it in mind ;)
Haha I totally get you, 90% of my time in any RPGMaker version has been making maps (even when i'm not planning on make a game). Now that i learnt how to edit tilesets, I've been about 3 days non stop making silly add ons from the vanilla that i'll prolly use like, twice at best :'D
Great to hear! I'll look forward to the next update then! <3 <3 <3
Now I'm really curious about the maps you make!! Is there any place where I can take a look at them? :)
wow!! I like it!! You sure make beautiful detailed maps, for me the map is the most hard part, design characters and the plot is more easy (and funny :P). If you make a game I would love to play it!!
Its a fun short little game but i had some difficulty finding the basement key, if were not for one of the lets play i would have took about an hour to get through. got the true ending in the 1st try aswell so its always wise to explore every nook and cranny.
I'm not going to lie, there are some flaws. The English translation is a bit... weird at times (grammar-wise and word use). And overall I think it's a good thing to let the player know when using a key so if people forget which doors were locked they aren't confused. Besides that, it's a really neat short game, and I enjoyed it! The art was really nice as well! I'd definitely love to see more games from you, as I see definitely some potential! Just those 2 things I mentioned are things you could work on.
When it comes to the story, it's maybe not worked out in the fullest and it has much more potential to it. Why did he become a vampire? Or did it just happen? How did he become a vampire? He seems to know how to become one as in one of the endings is kind of proven? If you can work this out, with better translation (I'd offer my help in improving the translated game so sentences get a bit better) and with knowing when a key is used then I'm super excited to see your future work!
Thanks for this fun short game! If you want me to tell you the grammar/word use mistakes I wouldn't mind doing that. You got a new follower regardless!
-- Silly me, I accidentally posted this as a reply to a comment first time, where was my head lmao --
I really appreciate your comment! I will take note of your suggestions.
Really sorry for the english translation >.<
I can contact you in the future if you are interested in being tester for the english version :)
About the story... I made this game in a week and a half, right now I´m working in a new version of this game, more extend and with more content. It will take more time of work but wait for it!!
Thank you for playing!!
No worries! I'm a huge fan of RPG maker horror games and I'm a huge fan of creativity - which isn't lacking. No worries about the English either, I had the same when I'm writing (and still do sometimes but it's much better now thanks to people correcting me on things), English isn't my native language too so I would have terrible sentences in the past. It's something you'll improve on eventually! It didn't bother me much but it's something to keep in mind and it wasn't too bad either just a few things here and there ^^
I'd love to be a future beta tester, feel free to contact me anytime you like for anything (I'll try to respond as soon as I can but I don't seem to get notifications in my email, not sure if that's normal?)
Take all the time you need; rushed games are usually a terrible thing! I'll be waiting patiently (for as far as I can be patient... 😂) for the new version and I'm interested to see how it'll turn out. And no problem, thanks for the lovely game (and the lovely smile from the MC) ^^
Stay safe and good luck with the new version!
Aww, I liked the true ending! kinda sweet
By now, I have played quite a few RPG Maker horror games, big and small.
And for a first attempt, and a short little story, I am acutally a little bit impressed with the amount of content, in terms of flavour text, room detail, etc. And of course, the lovely character art.
The story, as simple as it is, definitely takes some delightfully messed up turns in certain endings, which aren't super cryptic to find (I find a LOT of RPGMaker horror games make the endings entirely too situational and difficult to find, so kudos there).
The main problem here is grammar. I say this as a second language english speaker myself, but there are times where it really gets distracting, and it requires a lot more proof reading. Meaning isn't lost, far from it, but for the sake of presentation, it really can use some touchups there.
Very, very good work for a first game. I certainly enjoyed it, enough to find all three endings.
thank you for playing!!
I am sorry for the grammar mistakes, in the future I will look for some english speaking testers before release the english version. I know how tedious playing a game with bad grammar can be (I played a few...)
Who is the character artist? I would like to see more of their art.
I also made the art, unfortunately I don't upload my art online, although I'm thinking of doing it.
Ah I see, it's very nice but it's up to you to decide.
Hi Eru-nee ^^
I love so much your art and your rpg game!
If possible I'd like to help you with the Italian translation of your games. [If you want to contact me you can go to my profile, there is an e-mail address]
Have a nice day ^^
Thank you so much!!
Sure, a translation would be awesome! I'll contact you for the details.
Thank you ^^
Thoroughly enjoyed playing this game, looking through the comments here I'm looking forward to see how you expand Find me.... :D
it's was really good I play it to all ending and I want to know more story of Alain how did he become vampire? I will wait to see more game that you gonna make :)
Keep up the good work!
The art is good, the idea around the story was interesting(if not obvious), but I couldn't help but think "Is that it?". This has the potential to be really good. I hope you work more on it.
Thank you!
Yes, I intend to work more in this game. I really love this characters and want to make a more long and complete story for them :)
Glad to hear it! I'm excited to see what you come up with.
I like this game as well
The game was nice and the story itself is decent, if not a little bit on the nose. But the one thing that bugs me is that there's alot of stuff that looks like you can interact with and nothing shows up. I would use those items as a chance to add in some flavor text to the story. Besides that, nice job for your first game.
Here's my channel for other games I have played. http://www.youtube.com/c/Levont
Thanks for playing!!
After watching your video I think you are right, maybe I need to add more clues and content to make the history more easily understandable.
I hope you enjoy too my future projects.
i liked it, had an intersting story